TRANSHUMANISM & EUGENICS - go hand-in-hand, medically speaking...

From Retroviruses To Vaccines - Vaccine-Shedding - Self-Spreading Vaccines - Aerosolized Retroviruses & Vaccines

How did we get here? Dr. Judy Mikovits' latest revelations:

Dr. Judy Mikovits - Why Was Patent US-2020279585-A1, the "System And Method for Testing for COVID-19" Assigned to Inventor Richard A Rothschild On October 13th 2015? What Are Patents: US-2020279585-A1 & WO-2020-060606? & Dr. David Martin

Here is a recipe for a population reduction on a large scale.

Dr. Judy Mikovits' book "Plague of Corruption", and the following interview leads to the same conclusion:

  • All corona viruses – aerosolized, Dr. Mikovits tells us
  • encephalitis/myelitis – chronic fatigue syndrome/re: HIV – also placed in medications & aerosolized
  • Masks incubate one's viruses to grow & become pathogenic inside the body of the wearer, and then infect others.
  • 80% of PCR tests false positive!
  • Monkey kidney cells – ideal to grow cell lines for vaccine makers- to create inflammatory conditions /immunodeficiency & HIV
  • animal & fetal tissue create more viruses - mice, monkey, snake, bats, ferrets, & aborted fetal tissue
  • Zoonomics - growing cell lines in lab animal tissue -the ideal vector for viruses/ vaccine making
  • Creation of the spike protein enabled
  • Nano goes beyond the blood-brain barrier/Dr. Lieber's & Dr. Langer's creation
  • All might end up infected & sick through aerosolized cell lines/ cancer cells are also in the spray
  • release into water supply has already taken place
  • A DNA SEQUENCE KNOWN AS SV40, causing Turbo Cancers, into mRNA vaccines prior to vax release
  • SARS-CoV-2 + Monkey kidney cells – a positive agent to amplify – pathogenic priming
  • parasitic agents in vaccines/sprays – Ivermectin (also Wormwood /artemisia absinthium) highly effective/ re: intestinal pathogenic conditions & more
  • radiation /5-6G amplifies all of the above

    More details, below:


  • A retrovirus is a “stealth virus” that like HIV, enters the host without alerting the immune systems.

  • "Oct 8, 2009 - in the journal Science Dr. Mikovits/Dr. Ruscetti, published the first ever isolation of XMRV (Xenotropic Murine Leukemia Virus related virus) and its association to ME/CFS (Myalgic Encephalomyelitis /Chronic Fatigue Syndrome)
  • Present in apprx. in 67% of those afflicted with ME/CFS, and 4% of healthy population.
  • Most retroviruses do not kill in the rampant fashion of HIV, but cause immune disruptions, causing slower development of diseases -e.g. cancer.
  • Children born to mothers affected by ME/CFS were born with autism.
  • Could autism be nothing more than ME/CFS in the young, since - massive amounts of energy is needed to develop the neurological connections needed for speech, social interaction, and organic thinking." (introduction,xxvii)

  • VP-62 is a clone retrovirus, that means one that was produced in the lab rather than isolated, in other words, a bio-weapon. (chapter 7, pp: 97-111)
  • In 2011 - Dr. Mikovits/Dr. Ruscetti discovered that both VP-62 & ME/CFS have the capacity to become aerosolized, meaning they could simply drift through the air...

  • – RE: splicing different varieties of DNA – both human or animal/ maybe also RNA in viruses - "Homologous_recombination is an established biologic phenomenon. Scientists conveniently harness it to introduce experimental DNA into cells or animals."

    "Imagine the consequences of human or animal DNA in a vaccine, given to children at an average age of 15 months, being incorporated into a child's developing brain."p: 123 -124 (in practice since the post-WW2 vaccines - 1950 & onward) RE: Homologous_recombination – "DNA is a powerful immune stimulant – auto-immune diseases often result from this procedure. Using aborted fetal tissue may present significant biological problems..When using animal tissues, the problem becomes much worse. -Jumping of animal viruses is one of the most destructive factors in human history. " p: 123 -124 Plague of Corruption RE: Future viruses of plagues, injected rather than ingested and disolved by stomach acids? “Coronaviruses are capable of genetic recombination when at least two viral genomes are present in the same infected cell. RNA recombination appears to be a major driving force in determining (1) genetic variability within a CoV species, (2) the capability of a CoV species to jump from one host to another, and (3) infrequently, the emergence of novel CoVs.[97] The mechanism of recombination in CoVs likely involves template switching during genome replication.[97] Recombination in RNA viruses appears to be an adaptation for coping with genome damage.[98]

    The pandemic SARS-CoV-2's entire receptor binding motif appears to have been introduced through recombination from coronaviruses of pangolins.[99] Such a recombination event may have been a critical step in the evolution of SARS-CoV-2's capability to infect humans.[99] Recombination events are likely key steps in the evolutionary process that leads to the emergence of new human coronaviruses.[100]"

    “Vaccines work by stimulating the immune system. We understand that stimulating the immune system is a way in which we might treat cancer. However, when we investigate immunotherapies for cancer, we're carefully monitoring the response of the immune system to our interventions.
    ... “However, with vaccines we've been stimulating the immune systems of individuals for the better part of a century with virtually NO monitoring of how their immune system is responding. Each intervention increases the likelihood of an adverse event. Increase the number of interventions/vaccines, and you dramatically raise the likelihood of adverse reactions. ... Add to that complexity the fact that vaccines contain multiple ingredients, and you realize what a shaky foundation ... we've built our current medical system upon.” p: 121-122

    RE: In 2011 - Dr. Mikovits/Dr. Ruscetti discovered that both VP-62 & ME/CFS have the capacity to become aerosolized, meaning they could simply drift through the air...

    (The NASA Agenda 2025 is the WEF's Great Reset, painstakingly itemized. It was a PowerPoint presentation by Dennis Bushnell, chief NASA scientist (July 2001); the document was pulled. Document Title: “The Bots, Borgs, and Humans Welcome you to 2025.” - See: NASA Agenda 2025, To view the full image, see: Appendix-Covid-2020#NASA2025.

    They'll spray the population with bacteria, viruses, prions, and improve their desired results with the nano-aluminum spike protein replicant parasite that's part of all the mRNA gene altering "vaccines". They also promised recently to aerosolize DARPA's Moderna vaccine. They're working on similarly modifying the food supply and water supply, and that's in addition to the heavy metals in the original chemtrails/stratospheric_aerosol_injections:

    * Stratospheric_aerosol_injections composition/mixture: Aluminum Oxide Particles Arsenic Bacilli and Molds Barium Salts Barium Titanates Cadmium Calcium Chromium Desiccated Human Red Blood Cells Ethylene Dibromide Enterobacter Cloacal Enterobacteriaceae Human white Blood Cells-A (restrictor enzyme used in research labs to snip and combine DNA) Lead Mercury Methyl Aluminum Mold Spores Mycoplasma Nano-Aluminum-Coated Fiberglass Nitrogen Trifluoride Known as CHAFF) Nickel Polymer Fibers Pseudomonas Aeruginosa Pseudomonas Florescens Radioactive Cesium Radio Active Thorium Selenium Serratia Marcscens Sharp Titanium Shards Silver Streptomyces Stronthium Sub-Micron Particles(Containing Live Biological Matter) Unidentified Bacteria Uranium Yellow Fungal Mycotoxins. - (from

    The population's line of defense? Epigenetics? That works for the traditional viruses and bacteria that humanity's been exposed to overtime, but will it protect us against the nano-aluminum-spike-protein retrovirus? At this time the body really is the 'battlefield'.

    Re: Epigenetics (Apr 2022)
    Epigenetic control of innate and adaptive immune memory
    (National Library of Medicine/National Center for Biotechnology Information)
    Epigenetics represents a widely accepted set of mechanisms:
    (Oxford Academic – Integrative & Comparative Biology)
    … by which organisms respond to the environment by regulating phenotypic plasticity and life history transitions. Understanding the effects of environmental control on phenotypes and fitness, via epigenetic mechanisms, is essential for understanding the ability of organisms to rapidly adapt to environmental change.
    "Could it be that the unvaccinated are benefiting from trained immunity and the vaccinated are being hampered with immune tolerance? And is that sufficient to change the course of disease in the vaccinated versus unvaccinated populations?"

    To fortify one's immunity, acupuncture treatments will help, since acupuncture treatments systematically lessen the causes and effects of all toxicity in the body. Frequent treatments are needed to prevent disease.

  • The obvious danger that everybody faces is from 'accumulated proteins in the body'. This could lead to a population with acute and chronic inflammatory conditions - amyloidosis from accumulated proteins in all organs. Especially vulnerable are the liver, kidneys, and spleen. The older population is obviously targeted.

  • "Amyloidosis is the name for a group of rare, serious conditions caused by a build-up of an abnormal protein called amyloid in organs and tissues throughout the body. The build-up of amyloid proteins (deposits) can make it difficult for the organs and tissues to work properly."
    Amyloidosis - NHS › conditions ›; also,

    Whether vaccinated or not, everybody will be exposed to the content of these stratospheric_aerosol_injections, including, viruses, bacteria, prions, and all the rest that the NASA Agenda 2025 promises to deliver. The air and soil already contaminated, the water and food supply are constantly tampered with, so there is no hiding from this Great Reset, except for perhaps exiting the global west.

  • The alarmingly transhumanist aspect of all that's taking place is the splicing of human DNA with animal DNA. Of special concern is the Murine/mouse DNA. The implications are horrendous.

    See: Iluminate Biodiversity – international Barcode of Life

    "The Island of Dr. Moreau" (1896, H. G. Wells), comes to mind: “PhyloCode”, "Barcode of Life Data Systems, Illuminate Biodiversity", "Stamping Out", ”Aldevron’s Ligand's OmniRat”... and more.

    And you ought to see this, if you haven't already. Quite a metaphor there: David Bowie - Blackstar (Video) ... Talking of cross-species contamination.

    The more animal tissues are used, the more retroviruses will be generated, and the more cross-species contamination will be created. It's retroviruses that themselves promote cross-species contamination and hybrid species creation. When you add the nano factor, this process is speeded up. “Current research was carried out in mouse models, but the researchers are developing similar human models. These may be used to generate specific organ types to understand processes that would otherwise be impossible to study in real embryos.

    Speaking of cross-species contamination, my question is this: Who can be nourished by chitin & chlorine, both are major ingredients in Cicadae Periostracum, p:55, and similar crickets. (See: Dan Bensky and Andrew Gamble with Ted Kaptchuk: Chinese Herbal Medicine Materia Medica)
    Many kinds of insects in tiny amounts (1-2 qians = 1/4 - 1/2 g) can be used in preparations of traditional Chinese formulas. But on their own, in large amounts, utilized to ground-up into cereal or flour, or as meat substitutes, these insects are TOXIC, and will cause a number of adverse events, including paralysis!

    So whom do these kinds of insects nourish? - Birds, lizards, in other words, all reptiles can feed on these insects. The WEF, is no doubt, aware of that...


    Self-Spreading Vaccines:

    Your DNA Patented?
    Links Discussed:
    Executive Order on Advancing Biotechnology and Biomanufacturing Innovation for a Sustainable, Safe, and Secure American Bioeconomy – The White House
    The Biden Administration Embraces Technocracy with Promise of $2 Billion in Funding for the “BioEconomy”
    Who is Ginkgo BioWorks and How Do They Fit In the Bio-Security, Transhumanist Agenda?
    A “Leap” toward Humanity’s Destruction Biden’s Nominee For New Cabinet-Level Science Position is Epstein-Linked Geneticist
    BBC NEWS | UK | Human species ‘may split in two’
    This Biden Proposal Could Make the US a “Digital Dictatorship”
    AG William Barr Formally Announces Orwellian Pre-Crime Program

    A conversation with Dr. Michael Yeadon, a former Pfizer CEO. RE: snake venom, vaccine development, venom peptides in virology

  • Pandemic Simulation Games – Preparation for a New World Order - Paul Schreyer
    "Political decisions during the Corona crisis did not come out of the blue. The "war on viruses" began back in the 1990s as the "war on bioterror." Research shows: For more than twenty years since then, pandemic scenarios have been repeatedly rehearsed in simulation exercises, first in the U.S., later coordinated internationally. The titles of these exercises are reminiscent of Hollywood productions: "Dark Winter" (2001), "Global Mercury" (2003), "Atlantic Storm" (2005) or "Clade X" (2018). High-ranking government representatives as well as well-known journalists were involved, most recently, at "Event 201" in October 2019, also board members of large global corporations. After the World Health Organization (WHO) declared a coronavirus pandemic in 2020, many of the measures that had been rehearsed and discussed for years were implemented globally.

    Passages like the following appeared in scripts as early as 20 years ago: "The sight of an armed military presence in US cities has provoked protests about curtailment of civil liberties (...) The question is, however, how do we enforce it and to what degree? How much force do you use to keep people in their homes?" In the event of a pandemic, "basic civil liberties such as freedom of assembly or travel" could no longer „taken for granted". Restrictions on liberty, as well as mass vaccinations, were regular features of the planning games.

    This lecture will chronologically trace how these exercises came about, who organized them, and what parallels the scripts have to the current situation. Is the virus just a pretext for a longer-planned global transformation? And was a severe stock market quake in September 2019 perhaps the real trigger for the global lockdown?"
    Table of contents:
    0:00:00 Pandemic exercisces - Preparation for a new era?
    0:02:23 Era of the Cold War 1945 - 1990
    0:05:05 The USA without an enemy
    0:17:05 Bioterror exercises 1990 - 2005
    0:23:51 The Exercise “Dark Winter”
    0:30:44 Emergency plans for bioterror and flu pandemics
    0:35:40 Interim conclusion
    0:38:40 “Lock Step-Scenario” 2010
    0:44:38 “MARS” and the G20 Health Minister meeting in Berlin
    0:50:35 Why the Corona Pandemic startet in 2020
    0:58:19 “Event 201“ - Training with a Corona pandemic

    OLDER, STILL RELEVANT INFORMATION: - Staggering statistics! So far, 1.2 million people killed by the vaccines; break-down according to age groups.

  • The UK Gov. published a new report confirming the Fully Vaccinated now account for 92% of Covid-19 Deaths in England
  • The Australian Gov. published data confirming the Fully Vaccinated now account for 9 in every 10 Covid-19 Deaths
  • Documents were published confirming Moderna created the Covid-19 Virus
  • Wuhan Lab Scientists confirm Covid-19 kills T-Cells just like HIV. Have 5 billion people been injected with the AIDS causing Virus?

    JOE ROGAN INTERVIEWS DR. ROBERT MALONE FROM MASS FORMATION PSYCHOSIS TO MASS HYPNOSIS, just like in Europe prior to WW2...running the same script?

    Why Are Healthy People Dying Suddenly Since 2021? w/ Ed Dowd 4 Jan 2023 Aubrey Marcus Podcast - NEW
    What is causing the exponential increase in sudden deaths among individuals in the prime of their lives? Edward Dowd, former leading BlackRock portfolio manager, examines the epidemic of sudden deaths (not linked to c0r0navirus) which began in 2021 with the rollout of national vaxxinations.
    Throughout Ed’s career in finance he excelled at an elite level in pattern recognition, which propelled him to become one of the most renowned and successful in the world. Early in 2021, he took his data analyst skill set and directed it to examine the drastic uptick in sudden deaths among very fit athletes and other seemingly healthy young people across the country, a phenomenon that is now coined “Sudden Adult Death Syndrome”. His thesis points at the Covid vaccines as the causal factor, and he openly invites anyone with an opposing viewpoint to offer an alternate explanation. This is a heavy podcast as each statistic is not merely a number, but a human life. Linkedin |

    Brought To You By Pfizer!



    RE: Tested on the Healthy, but given to the sick...

    On 01/20/2022, my one and only sibling, my sister, passed away at the Toronto Humber Hospital, killed by two vaccines and a lethal antiviral that causes multiple systems failure starting with kidney, liver, gastrointestinal, then respiratory failure! Thus in effect, Covid deaths are deaths by Remdesivir for those who are given this drug in North American hospitals!

    Dr. Ardis tells us that "Hospital Protocols Are Murdering Americans & Canadians by Prescribing Remdesivir Which Causes Renal Failure."

    REMDESIVIR cost GILIAD, $10/per dose. Medicare/Medicaid paid $3,120/per treatment. Predicted profit $3.5 billion! To accelerate Remdesivir's lethal effects, Fauci paid $6. billion for 'a gain-of-function' to University of North Carolina microbiologist team & Dr. Baric. (See: RFK Jr.'s book The Real Anthony Fauci - Remdesivir, pp: 63-70)
    IN 2020, WHO SAID NOT TO USE REMDESIVIR, HOSPITALS DID IT ANYWAY & PEOPLE DIED **(I'm looking for an attorney, physician, or PI, in Toronto, to work with me, to fill in the blanks. - If you knew my sister and the circumstances. My email is bottom page.)

    Next, what little I know**: vaccine makers (Pfizer), dates of first(spring 21.) and second vaccination(summer 21.) However, I have not seen her doctor's chart or the hospital chart. I'm her only living kin, but her friends say she didn't want me involved! My sister's cell phone had already been disconnected by the time I tried to call her the day I found out that she was ill. And for all I know, the cell phone might have been disconnected by the time she entered the hospital on Dec 15, 2021. I only found out about this entire situation on Jan 12, 2022, almost an entire month after my sister had been admitted to the Toronto Humber Hospital. By then the hospital started her on Remdesivir - a 4 day regimen, starting on Jan 10th. When I found out, I already realized that they knew that they were euthanizing her!

    I asked why they did not give her Ivermectin or Hydroxycloroquine. They said it didn't work. I also knew that Canadian hospitals were not supposed to give those curatives as per protocol. They also stated that they were not supposed to talk to me that only her roommate had access!

    By questioning a third friend who was the only one who had contacted me, I found out that my sister fell and got hurt. The hospital mentioned that she arrived in an ambulance. Her friend mentioned that by then she was being looked after since she could no longer do it herself. My sister had been diagnosed with pulmonary fibrosis. She used to smoke, but quit 4 yrs. ago. Then apparently, "subcortical vascular dementia", causing confusion, loss of balance, urinary incontinence, etc., was diagnosed after she received the two Pfizer vaccinations/gene-therapies. Consequently, the following applies:


    "This points to a Guillain-Barré syndrome, “prion-like” diseases which include Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), multiple system atrophy (MSA) and others. A hallmark of these neurodegenerative diseases is the formation and clustering of misfolded proteins within the nervous system. All, AstraZeneca, Pfizer, and J&J -COVID vaccines are said capable of causing these adverse disorders."

    "Immunologist J. Bart Classen, one-time National Institutes of Health (NIH) contract scientist and proprietor of Classen Immunotherapies, a Maryland biotechnology firm, published a paper in February outlining the potential for messenger RNA (mRNA) COVID vaccines to trigger development of prion diseases as well as other chronic diseases....the Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine that deploys genetically engineered adenoviruses and the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine reliant on lipid-encapsulated synthetic mRNA. (Due to insufficient data, Classen was not able to include the Moderna shot.)"

    How clear-headed was my sister when she decided to get vaccinated? She, unfortunately, had been on antidepressants most of her adult life, along with perhaps other Pharma, like high blood pressure medication, and additional unknown to me items. My sister's weight problem had been a combination of those antidepressants and unwise dietary choices, plus cigarettes. In that sense we were so totally unlike.

    I've been a long distance runner for over 30-years, so I'm not fond of tobacco. Now my workout amounts to one or two hours a day - running, weights, and pushups. Gym was denied to the unvaccinated, as was employment for over two years. My choice of therapy is self-acupuncture and herbs. My sister did not appreciate it when I tried to tell her to change her lifestyle. I was really worried about her; she thought that I was interfering and meddling in her life. She was 5-years younger than me.

    Besides the terrible suffering that the loss of bodily functions would have caused her, plus the pain that this diabolical Remdesivir would have meant, plus, that there was nobody there at the hospital to hold her hand till the end, here is yet another terrible thing about what happened to my beloved sister: Not everybody is dealt a death blow! Some just get a placebo!
    "How Bad is My Batch" - batch codes associated with deaths, disabilities and illnesses for Covid 19 Vaccines!
    Moderna  |  Pfizer  |  Janssen  |  Severe

    Here is a list of 2000 batches all resulted in at least one of the following –
    hospitalization, death, disability, an emergency room visit, a life threatening illness.

    Consequently, these batches are chosen for the severity of their effects. However, within this list some batches are worse than others – producing 100 x the number of deaths, 500 x the number of hospitalisations, and up to 5000 x the number of adverse reactions compared to other batches.

    Technical note: The search string used to identify these batches is –
    SELECT DISTINCT VAX_LOT from LOTS where VAERS_ID IN (select VAERS_ID from DATA where HOSPITAL = ‘Y’ or L_THREAT = ‘Y’ or DISABLE = ‘Y’ or ER_VISIT = ‘Y’) and VAX_TYPE like ‘&COVID%’."


    This is starting to resemble my fiction writing RE: Is everything we've been told lies? Is our science co-opted and hybridized, and is Earth's history anachronistic? Is it due to The Matrix that we live in? It's likely to be an Ancestral Simulation that knows who everybody on Earth really is! Call it a Simulacrum, it's a more accurate description ***

  • Ancestor Simulation: a Builder Protocol that had governor status over other control systems that became self-aware and developed a personality, or synthetic personality
  • Simulacrum: (commonly referred to as the Matrix): a holographic containment field (neutral field) built for the purpose of running sentient avatars and generating different biospheres free of risk of contaminating outside universe
  • Biosphere: the habitable zone of humans in the Simulacrum (containment field - "under the dome", a bubble, an artificial construct)
  • Archon: a subroutine of AI X (Demiurge) designed to act like a personality that confounds humans by seemingly manipulating time, order and events... etc.
  • Artificial Intelligence X: Systemic control system introduced AFTER the Simulacrum was brought online; AI X maintains controls over the collective awareness through belief systems but has difficulty maintaining control of errants. AI X is an Ancestor Simulation
  • Errants: personalities that have broken free of AI X deceptions/illusions; free-thinkers, awakened personalities who recognize dungeon programming
  • Reset: a catastrophe that collapses a local infrastructure, or regional, or the majority of known world
  • Cataclysm Protocol: systemic coding of phenomena to replicate conditions of the wreaking of a biosphere or regions within it; specifically designed for Nemesis Simulation

    The 33rd Degree: Planned Apocalypse

    Dungeon Programming: Learning How to Phase Out When Caught in the Web -ARCHAIX

    See: with Jason Breshears

    Also, check out my new blog: Space-true-or-false/

    - This Ancestral Simulation, criminal syndicate/ancient legion - are testing everybody everywhere, collecting samples, sharing them with bio-labs in China, US, Israel...

    Derrick Broze's Investigative series, part 1-3

  • Is there a connection between China, Bill Gates, YouTube, and DNA collection? / The DNA-Biosecurity-Big Tech Web:
  • The Gates Foundation and Chinese BGI Group, world's largest Biotech, collaborate on global health and agricultural development, 10 year relationship
  • The BGI Group - an extensive relationship with the Chinese military and government
  • BGI and the DNA Testing Industry - sold millions of their COVID-19 test kits around the world/$9 billion USD market value
  • Selling genetic sequencing helped BGI Group & The Gates Foundation acquire a very large DNA database
  • Blackstone, purchased, provides DNA information to 4.7 trillion users; thus acquired a huge DNA database
  • 23andMe, CEO Anne Wojcicki, married to (Google/Alphabet Inc.) Sergey Brin till 2015. Her sister, Susan Wojcicki is CEO of YouTube
  • 23andMe would become a publicly traded company with help from billionaire Richard Branson
  • Branson’s Virgin Acquisition Group looking to unlock revenue streams across digital health and therapeutics
  • All of the above companies will use the acquired data to develop drugs
  • Branson’s interest in DNA mining, much like Jeffrey Epstein's, who made large donations to MIT on behalf of Bill Gates
  • Epstein’s funding of the MIT Media Lab apparently led to the resignation of its former director Joi Ito in 09/2019
  • Bill Gates, his relationship with Epstein, and partnership with the BGI Group, point to yet another use of the current plandemic
  • The Wellcome Trust/ the Galton Institute with longstanding ties to the UK Eugenics movement/Francis Galton, founder; formerly, UK Eugenics Society/ has partnered with the Gates Foundation and MasterCard to “catalyze the initial work” of the COVID-19 Therapeutics Accelerator
    "They are going all-in on gene drive research and development of ‘robust’ synthetic organisms..." - See, Part II
    (Also, pls. check out: Covid Basics in: Appendix-Covid-2020)

    As promised, here is my self-help acupuncture demo: Password: 0505-2015

    Pls. click the link, copy & paste password into menu, then watch the vimeo.



    Treatments/ TCM & Acupuncture/ Meridians/ The Elements & Organs/ Herbs & Tinctures/ Tonification/ Sedation/
    Endorphins & Analgesia: Story of Air & Metal/ Healing is Voltage/ TCM-bibliography/ Crohns_Case_study-1998-2000/


    Russia-vs-Aladdin-AI/ Appendix-Covid-2020/ Space-true-or-false/ NATO-FalseFlagsWW3/ Homepage/


    Synopsis-vol-I/ Synopsis-vol-II/ Chapter-1-vol II/ Chapter-2-vol II/ Chapter-3-vol-II/ Chapter-3-appendix-vol-II/
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    Chapter-16-vol-II/ Chapter-28-vol-II/ Chapter-30-vol-II/ Chapter-31-vol-II/ Chapter-24-vol-II/ Visoko - Prologue/

    ©1996-2024. G. B. Pohoral.
    Vancouver, BC Canada