The Elements & Organs/ Root Alchemy/ Tearoom/ About Us/ Homepage

The image above features three of our frequently-made tinctures. These address -Environmental and Metabolic Toxicosis- that affects everybody at this time. The largest bottle features a Chinese Herbal Brandy, made Dec 2015. Major herb is Rhizoma Curcummae = Turmeric. Strong in vitro effects against Staphylococcus aureus. Effective against Dermatomycoses and Viruses... See, NASA Agenda 2025

This was a PowerPoint presentation by Dennis Bushnell, chief NASA scientist (July 2001); document pulled. Doc Title: “The Bots, Borgs, and Humans Welcome you to 2025.”

For additional information see Appendix-Covid-2020 and also, David Icke's Agenda 21, The Plan To Kill You, Aug 14, 2016. Look for it on, or

Tearoom/Tincture sampling and Seminars & Group FAQ

When you design herbal tinctures, you consider the quality of herbs you use: Western herbs, because they are mostly flowers, stems, fruit-berries, and light barks, are perfectly suitable for tinctures (2/3 alcohol, 1/3 spring water).

Some say that tinctures do not require water, since the generic grain alcohol used is usually not that strong; it's true, except, there are some herbs that release their finest nutrients through water. Hence also, a single or a combination of western herbs can be used in infusions/macerations. Over-night, herbs are placed into up to 2 cups of cold water, covered and left in room temperature. Infusions of western herbs/formulas are strong and effective.

Decoctions are far better for Chinese herbal formulas because of the nature of the thick roots and barks used. Much like herbal brandies (alcohol only), Oriental/Traditional Chinese herbs are more suitable because those the heavy roots and barks take a long time to process. Some of our brandies are brewed for up to 1 - 2 years; the traditional time is half a year minimum.

Here in Vancouver, there are many places in Chinatown, as well as, in different areas of Greater Vancouver, there are TCM stores, where herbs and supplies are available. We always carry our books around because the folks in the store only relate to Chinese characters when it comes to assembling Chinese herbal formulas. We often take clients to these stores and introduce them to ready-made formulas that they can re-stock, once they run out.

The Chinese really believe in decoctions - they prefer to boil their herbs: by placing 4-6 oz of herbs into 4-6 cups of water. When we decoct Chinese formulas, we use up to 8 cups of water; it's less concentrated, easier to drink. Also, these formulas are boiled for 1-2 hours at a Medium Temperature. With too little water, the water can just about completely evaporate. So keep an eye on it.

Usually, we prefer tinctures and brandies. - Everlasting effect - slow, steady improvement, great taste. There are times though when herbal decoctions are in order. When you're dealing with a stubborn, pesky condition that's chronic, and not responding to preventative sort of tonification, then stronger medicine is necessary. And the decoctions are perfect - once, twice, or three-times a day - a cup at a time. The Chinese prefer these decoctions; they do not use alcohol, the majority of them.

Come to our online seminars, you'll find out more. Alchemical issues have always been of interest to us. Historical perspective, and cross-referencing of bulk herbs /and herbal formulas with acupuncture points is our specialty.

To participate in these online Seminars, please email to join the next group. Topics depend on the groups' preference. It might be a combination of both, herbal and TCM /acupuncture FAQ.

Herbal Consultations

Custom-designed Chinese brandies (img below) different formulas available. Please inquire.

Online Seminars - Herbal Group Consultations, or TCM Consultations available.

Please email to book or inquire.

Also see: Treatments /

All herbs in the categories mentioned below are adrenocortical /hormonal regulators. All categories will be discussed.

  • adrenomedullary

  • androgen/testosterone

  • estrogens
  • gonadotropic

  • insulin/pancreatic

  • progesterone
  • thyrotropic

  • thyroxine

  • parathormone

  • Herbal Consultations

    Custom-designed Herbal Tinctures (left)/ Brandies (right). Please inquire, Call or Email.

    ©1996-2024. G. B. Pohoral.
    Vancouver, BC Canada