• The top image is the 'road map'.
  • The following 6 items (below) are concrete historical examples.
  • The Al Jazeera news piece, and the 4 items that follow are some of the not-so-surprising consequences:

  • Space-true-or-false.html#Thomas%20Burgoyne
    First published in 1889, "The Light of Egypt" was written by the Scottish born astrologer and occultist Thomas Henry Burgoyne: "This lost planet is the remnant of what he terms is the Dark Satellite. - Its residents, he writes, "these wicked beings still reside within this dead planet as well as within its former moon known as the Dark Satellite".
    He says that "these beings possess the highest forms of cunning & intelligence and are the producers of the greatest portion of suffering and misery which afflicts humanity." Specifically, "the rulers of the Dark Satellite mercilessly distort every arcane truth into theological dogma and partial error (Sorem)*, causing it to assume in the human mind the delusive forms of the externals of truth and logic, and corrupt truth in every form wherein it struggles to manifest itself on Earth."

  • Space-true-or-false.html#Sons-of-Light-vs-Sons-of-Darkness
    See: https://cjbbooks.com
    "Over two thousand years ago the self-styled "Sons of Light" declared war on the seventy nations of the world, whom they call the "Sons of Darkness". Hundreds of millions of lives have been lost in this conflict. The Sons of Light believe the contest will only be won when they utterly exterminate the Sons of Darkness. It will never be lost as long as one of the Sons of Light remains to carry on the fight. The war is mostly fought through deception. Only the Sons of Light know that they are engaged in this endless battle. The Sons of Darkness see the bodies piling up, but search in vain for their enemy, who is as subtle and sly as a holy serpent. Ultimate victory will mean the conquest of the entire Earth. It is close at hand for the Sons of Light. But the war continues and either side may yet win. If the Sons of Light are discovered, all of humanity will be saved. Within this book the battle plans and beliefs of the Sons of Light are revealed for the first time for all to see. The Sons of Light have tricked the Sons of Darkness into worshipping Satan, whom they believe is an androgyne composed of the demons Lilith and Samael. The gods of the Sons of Light are also androgynous. Their names are Ein Sof, Shekinah and Yahweh. The Sons of Light are planning to create a Utopia when all is won and all is lost. In it, every human being will be a perfect hermaphrodite with two faces. They will also be immortal and have no need to endure the pain of the cycle of birth, life and death, so there will be no more children and no more death. All the silver, gold and treasure will be theirs and technology will provide their robotic slaves. Since the Sons of Light are all righteous, and since the Sons of Darkness will have passed away together with their dark gods, divine light, peace and harmony will rule the Earth for one thousand years after which all will be complete."

  • Three World Wars to Usher in a One World Religion – on Greg Reese - Albert Pike's Letter to Mazzini & The Three World Wars

  • Arthur Koestler, The Thirteenth Tribe "THE KHAZAR EMPIRE AND ITS HERITAGE"

  • RE: The Invention of the Jewish People, by Shlomo Sand - the author, in his subsequent investigation, concluded that the expulsion of Jews simply did not happen, that no one exiled the Jewish people from the region, and that the Jewish diaspora is essentially a modern invention.

  • Introducing Mauro Biglino, author of GODS OF THE BIBLE, a scholar of ancient Hebrew, who translated 17 books for the Vatican "Elohim - a plural noun = esteemed officials, judges, legislators, governors, high council, learned elders. These were men of war - 200 watchers, flesh and blood individuals – at least 23 of these Elohim - their names were mentioned in the Bible - “Assembly of Elohim” (Psalm 82 ). Hierarchy of Elohim - Yahweh is one of these men of war, a governor, ruler of Jacob's tribe, a tribe of people without a land. These Elohim were in competition with each other. “RUACH” = is an aerial flying machine. The machine made a lot of noise at a take-off. Malachim were messengers, not angels!" See: Space-true-or-false.html#Mauro-Biglino

    ISRAEL THREATENS UNITED STATES! - WW3 Escalation Continues!
    Turkey To Enter Battle? - WAM, Josh Sigurdson

    (Al Jazeera https://www.aljazeera.com › opinions › 2023/11-07)

    There are only three (3-4) Central Banks in the world that are owned by their own countries - Syria, Iran, Lebanon, Saudi (all in the Middle East)
    (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Central_Bank_of_Syria), (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Central_Bank_of_Iran), (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Saudi_Central_Bank); however, the Saudis are a member of BIS.

    Countries that are heavily indebted are BIS/IMF/Rothschild owned. Are these countries then wholly owned Subsidiaries of Benjamin Netanyahu company?

    Since mostly all countries are controlled by Israel's lobbies, the kind of politics we're playing in the open is nothing more than Kabuki Theatre; it's all staged (Edward Snowden's conclusion, among others).

    “We won’t stop, until there is nothing left but the world’s biggest welfare state that we will create and control." - as per Benjamin Netanyahu

    Apparently, we're all a Zio/'not so much' Anglo/ property, "their human animals, their cattle" ... If WW3 breaks out, the 3 independent countries who own their Central Banks and their own gold, these are what the Zio/Anglo Empire will be fighting to conquer, among all the lands and resources/hydrocarbons of the Middle East. Plus, they want to do away with the Multipolar World Order/ BRICS+, whose properties include a larger percentage of hydrocarbons, fertile arable lands, minerals, and much more. If they don't succeed to defeat the BRICS+, their rule will be over.

    Are the US and UK also fully owned Subsidiaries of Israel? Wikipedia does not tell you one way or the other... The answer comes from the following: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Federal_Reserve - It's neither Federal, nor a Reserve. It's a privately owned Bank... How A Secret Society Created The Federal Reserve At Jekyll Island G. Edward Griffin discusses the origins of the Federal Reserve, the plot behind its inception, and the negative consequences it has had and continues to have on the American economy. Based on his bestselling book: The creature from Jekyll Island.

    The Road to Serfdom by Friedrich August von Hayek https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Road_to_Serfdom - "Hayek "[warns] of the danger of tyranny that inevitably results from government control of economic decision-making through central planning."[1] He further argues that the abandonment of individualism and classical liberalism inevitably leads to a loss of freedom, the creation of an oppressive society, the tyranny of a dictator, and the serfdom of the individual."

    The Coming Money Wars: How They Lure You Into CBDCs
    https://melmattison.com See: QUAZ upcoming book, re: BIS, FED, WW 1 & 2, gold confiscation -deep history!

    China (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/People%27s_Bank_of_China), (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/China_Development_Bank) and Russia (43% foreign owned) have not extricated themselves from being owned: (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Central_Bank_of_Russia). Russia is a member of BIS/IMF. China & BIS? Peoples Bank of China is a member of BIS.

  • CBDCs on Thrivetime Show, "If CBDCs Are to Be Successful, CBDCs Could Not Be Fragmented National Propositions. At the IMF We Are Working Hard On the Concept of a Global CBDC Platform." - Kristalina Georgieva (6/23/2023)

  • https://unlimitedhangout.com/2024/02/investigative-reports/tokenized-inc-blackrocks-plan-to-own-the-fractionalized-world/
  • Zionists Takeover Palestine/ GRAND THEFT WORLD
    (https://grandtheftworld.com/) Nov 28,1829 Rothschilds purchase Jerusalem; 1947 Rockefeller promises that not a single banker will go on trial in Nuremberg. Podcast traces back to the Balfour Declaration and exploring its ties to the Cecil Rhodes Roundtable groups and the Rothschilds.

  • Religious Mind Control and the Impending Holy War
    Excerpt from: "Antisemitism and the Origin of Hate Speech on Greg Reese" 11/1 (posted earlier)
    The Zionist government, who funds and operates Hamas under the Mossad maxim; By way of Deception Thou Shalt Do War, is openly calling for the genocide of all Palestinian people under the banner of their god. Are we still bad people for asking logical questions based on observable facts?
    The number six million has been ritually used by Zionists since their official beginning in the late eighteen hundreds, decades before the Holocaust. It obviously means something. Six million is a six followed by six zeros. And so it can represent sixty-six. Sixty-six is also two-thirds.
    The Hebrew prophet Zechariah wrote that two-thirds of the nation of Israel will be cut off and die. Many believers of biblical prophecy believe that this mass blood sacrifice is necessary in order for their messiah to return.
    The Zionists seem to be no friend of the Jewish people, but by simply showing this information, many of you are triggered into thinking I am an antisemite, a racist, or even a NAZI! And yet all I am doing is reporting on the unbiased scientific inquiry that people have had for decades in the pursuit of truth.
    Mind control is a real threat and we are all affected.”

  • "One Nation Under Blackmail, by Whitney Webb, is a damning indictment of the consequences resulting from the nearly century old relationship between both US and Israeli intelligence and the organized criminal network known as the National Crime Syndicate. This book specifically explores how that nexus between intelligence and organized crime directly developed the sexual blackmail tactics and networks that would later enable the sexual blackmail operation and other crimes of deceased pedophile and sex trafficker Jeffrey Epstein. This book reveals the extent to which Epstein’s activities were state-sponsored through an exploration of his intelligence connections."
    [https://rokfin.com/post/95602/One-Nation-Under-Blackmail, https://unlimitedhangout.com/2022/08/resources/show-notes/one-nation-under-blackmail-shownotes]
    Whitney points out that this ruling Criminal Syndicate/Mafia are all professional criminals with every tool of deception at their disposal.

  • See: https://www.thelastamericanvagabond.com/bill-gates-china-23me-and-your-dna/
    a) BlackRock, Asset Management Co./Shadowbank. BlackRock has now replaced Goldman Sachs in the White House. b) Blackstone, purchased Ancestry.com/ provides DNA information of 4.7 trillion users to Google/Mossad/Military, etc. c) BlackCube https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Black_Cube. BlackCube Strategy Ltd, a private intelligence agency based in London-Tel Aviv-Madrid. Its employees include former members of Israeli intelligence units. Furthermore, d) PALANTIR - D-Wave computing surveillance, Peter Tiel.. e) CARBYNE911 - contact tracing perfected, to round up citizens wherever they are. And, f) UNIT 8200, g) Promis/Prism, Pegasus software!

    Why does the US support Israel? A geopolitical analysis with economist Michael Hudson on G/E w/Ben Norton


    In Israeli newspaper, https://www.haaretz.com, Avi Lieberman accuses PM Netanyahu of funding HAMAS, via Qatar, paying them $30 million/per month! Finance Minister Cohen stated: "Regrettably, HAMAS is an Israeli creation".

  • Over 30,000 Palestinians have been genocided by Israel since 10/07, including over 13,000 children (on 03/19/2024).
  • HEZBOLLAH joined HAMAS on 10/08, said their leader, Nasrallah, bombing Israeli targets, once they found out about the operation.
  • Yemen started bombing as well, openly declaring war on Israel ( also: https://www.rt.com/news/590026-iran-deploys-navy-red-sea-us-houthis/)
  • Many countries helping HAMAS now, including the resistance -ANSAR ALLAH/Houthis & HEZBOLLAH, plus, Iran, Iraq, Syria, North Korea, and more.
  • A split opinion exists, on whether there was a 'Stand Down' by Israeli military; or if HAMAS succeeded in getting through Israeli sloppy AI defences that day.
  • Since its inception, HAMAS has evolved into an international network with wealthy stakeholders across the world.
  • Gaza, Iran, Saudi, Yemen, Red Sea ship attacks - on G/E Ben Norton Ansar Allah = https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Houthi_movement - (Over 300,000 Yemenis killed in the Saudi/US war.)
  • Max Blumenthal: (TheGrayZone) w/Judge Napolitano - What the IDF Did on Christmas. Max documents years of Israel's extensive organ theft!!
  • https://www.rt.com/news/591343-israel-rejects-genocide-ruling/

    https://www.trunews.com/stream/moses-zelensky-muslim-scholar-says-zionists-will-relocate-israel-to-ukraine 04/5/2022, "Could Ukraine become the New Israel? Or a Second Israel? (see: map below) The 'Way back machine' shows that the Editor's Note was not present in 2014. It was added in 2022. NATO wants to build greater Khazaria co-opting neighboring states, like Armenia, and others in the vicinity. For more information, see: Russia-vs-Aladdin-AI

    No wonder the Zio/Anglo Empire is depopulating Ukraine. They intend to move as many Israeli settlers into Ukraine as possible, in the event that the Middle East implodes. The Israeli PM is hoping to depopulate/genocide the whole of Gaza and have Genie Energy develop all the natural gas and oil that is under Gaza. The stakeholders of Genie Energy are some of the wealthiest men in the world! And let's not forget the planned Ben Gurion canal ('ready to nuke their way through the mountains to make it happen'):

  • https://rumble.com/v3t4nim-november-1-2023.html, Israel Destroys Gaza to Control World’s Most Important Shipping Lane Israel Destroys Gaza to Control World’s Most Important Shipping Lane w/Richard Medhurst / Part 2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wdlip2cMzBg 03/19/2024
  • Gaza being exterminated to make way for lucrative Ben Gurion CANAL that will cut across Israel to the Red Sea w/Mike Adams, 11/07/2023
  • Scott Ritter : Last time I checked free speech is allowed in USA

    What really happened in Israel on Oct. 7 w/Max Blumenthal - The Chris Hedges Report Many Israelis killed on 10/07 were killed by IDF (Hannibal directive); IDF Apache helicopters blew up many vehicles belonging to Israeli citizens, mowed down and burned all on the ground.. (https://new.thecradle.co/articles/israel-implemented-mass-hannibal-directive-on-7-october-israeli-pilot)

    Phil Giraldi: Netanyahu and US Freedom of Speech w/Judge Napolitano on Judging Freedom Explains the far-reaching influence of Israel's Lobby in the US - its control of the US Congress, Senate, the Military/which Israel owns through BlackRock-Vanguard. The latest: 3 presidents of US top universities brought before the Congress for not controlling the narrative at their institutions! Two of them resigned. [Historically: Ben Gurion apparently ordered the hit on JFK for issuing an order to make AIPAC (founded 01/03/1963) a foreign agent.]

    Who is Behind the Deadly Iran Bombing and Why? How the US Backed Terrorism in Iran for Years – on New Atlas w/Brian Berletic

    Garland Nixon w/George Galloway on MOATS, INTERVIEW: Horns of a dilemma US can't admit the attack on its troupes happened in Syria's Al-Tanf illegal US army base, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Al-Tanf since the US are there illegally, stealing oil and wheat at least since 2016 or earlier in 2011. Instead, US claims that Jordan's Tower 22 -military base was attacked. Jordan denies this. Immediately after, the 5 eyes cut off funding for food for Palestine/Gaza, claiming 12 of UNRWA employees abetted HAMAS. The ICJ ruling changed the world!
    See: NATO-FalseFlagsWW3/

    How Israel indoctrinates its people w/Miko Peled | The Chris Hedges Report

    "The minister pointed in particular to the decision by former US President George W. Bush to withdraw from the Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty (ABM Treaty) in 2002. The key arms control agreement signed by the US and the USSR in 1972 limited the number of ballistic missile defense systems each side could have and was designed to de-pressurize the arms race between the two Cold War rivals.
    Washington has since shattered the “foundations” of bilateral relations with Russia by terminating “all agreements on strategic stability, parity, mutual trust, inspections and transparency,” Lavrov said. Trump himself was instrumental in dismantling one of the few remaining arms control treaties – the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces (INF) Agreement, which banned the two nations from having any ground-launched missiles with ranges between 500 and 5,500 kilometers.
    - The US first unilaterally suspended the INF Treaty in February 2019, during Trump’s presidency, and then withdrew from it in August of the same year. Russia suspended the agreement in February in response to the initial American move."

    Sergey Lavrov: The Russian approaches to Gaza and Ukraine | Talk to Al Jazeera

    Why Israel Has Gone Missing from China's Maps | Vantage/Firstpost - Interesting!

    NATO Plans False Flag in Black Sea to Launch WWIII on Greg Reese A very scary scenario, and a real possibility -Radical global depopulation accomplished at a blink of an eye- How do we stop it?

    Zionists Takeover Palestine/ GRAND THEFT WORLD
    (https://grandtheftworld.com/) Nov 28,1829 Rothschilds purchase Jerusalem; 1947 Rockefeller promises that not a single banker will go on trial in Nuremberg. Podcast traces back to the Balfour Declaration and exploring its ties to the Cecil Rhodes Roundtable groups and the Rothschilds.

    Religious Mind Control and the Impending Holy War
    Excerpt from: "Antisemitism and the Origin of Hate Speech on Greg Reese" 11/1 (posted earlier)
    The Zionist government, who funds and operates Hamas under the Mossad maxim; By way of Deception Thou Shalt Do War, is openly calling for the genocide of all Palestinian people under the banner of their god. Are we still bad people for asking logical questions based on observable facts?
    The number six million has been ritually used by Zionists since their official beginning in the late eighteen hundreds, decades before the Holocaust. It obviously means something. Six million is a six followed by six zeros. And so it can represent sixty-six. Sixty-six is also two-thirds.
    The Hebrew prophet Zechariah wrote that two-thirds of the nation of Israel will be cut off and die. Many believers of biblical prophecy believe that this mass blood sacrifice is necessary in order for their messiah to return.
    The Zionists seem to be no friend of the Jewish people, but by simply showing this information, many of you are triggered into thinking I am an antisemite, a racist, or even a NAZI! And yet all I am doing is reporting on the unbiased scientific inquiry that people have had for decades in the pursuit of truth.
    Mind control is a real threat and we are all affected.”

    "Our race is the Master Race. We are divine gods on this planet. We are as different from the other races as they are from insect..other races are beasts and animals, cattle at best. Our destiny is to rule over the inferior races who are to serve us at our feet as our slaves." [Speech by: Menachem_Begin, PM of Israel 1977-83 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Menachem_Begin]

    Topics to research: Jacob Frank, Sabbatai Zevi" [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sabbatai_Zevi]

    "One Nation Under Blackmail, by Whitney Webb, is a damning indictment of the consequences resulting from the nearly century old relationship between both US and Israeli intelligence and the organized criminal network known as the National Crime Syndicate. This book specifically explores how that nexus between intelligence and organized crime directly developed the sexual blackmail tactics and networks that would later enable the sexual blackmail operation and other crimes of deceased pedophile and sex trafficker Jeffrey Epstein. This book reveals the extent to which Epstein’s activities were state-sponsored through an exploration of his intelligence connections."
    [https://rokfin.com/post/95602/One-Nation-Under-Blackmail, https://unlimitedhangout.com/2022/08/resources/show-notes/one-nation-under-blackmail-shownotes]
    Whitney points out that this ruling Criminal Syndicate/Mafia are all professional criminals with every tool of deception at their disposal.

    See: https://www.thelastamericanvagabond.com/bill-gates-china-23me-and-your-dna/
    a) BlackRock, Asset Management Co./Shadowbank. BlackRock has now replaced Goldman Sachs in the White House. b) Blackstone, purchased Ancestry.com/ provides DNA information of 4.7 trillion users to Google/Mossad/Military, etc. c) BlackCube https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Black_Cube. BlackCube Strategy Ltd, a private intelligence agency based in London-Tel Aviv-Madrid. Its employees include former members of Israeli intelligence units. Furthermore, d) PALANTIR - D-Wave computing surveillance, Peter Tiel.. e) CARBYNE911 - contact tracing perfected, to round up citizens wherever they are. And, f) UNIT 8200, g) Promis/Prism, Pegasus software!

    Why does the US support Israel? A geopolitical analysis with economist Michael Hudson on G/E w/Ben Norton

    Britain's Most Famous Philosopher on Zionism/ Bertrand Russell’s Last post/ on 'blogging theology'

    Also, why B. Russell was not a Christian: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NdDYvvevLZk.

    The Collapse of Antiquity: Greece and Rome as Civilization's Oligarchic Turning Point, by Michael Hudson This is a sequel to Prof. Hudson's "...and forgive them their debts, " the second and latest book in his trilogy on the history of debt. It describes how the dynamics of interest-bearing debt led to the rise of rentier oligarchies in classical Greece and Rome, causing economic polarization, widespread austerity, revolts, wars and ultimately the collapse of Rome into serfdom and feudalism. That collapse bequeathed to subsequent Western civilization a pro-creditor legal philosophy that has led to today's creditor oligarchies. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CmazxjNHVs4, interview w Prof. Hudson available.) - In telling this story, The Collapse of Antiquity reveals the eerie parallels between the collapsing Roman world and today's debt-burdened Western economies.

    Consolidating Control with Catherine Austin Fitts Whitney Webb interviews Catherine Austin Fitts about the current financial situation and what to expect in the short term & why the US government is using the crisis to push for greater bank consolidation, the FedNow service and the role commercial banks are set to play after the rollout of CBDCs. Show notes: https://unlimitedhangout.com/2023/04/resources/show-notes/consolidating-control-with-catherine-austin-fitts/

  • https://www.rt.com/russia/590887-holocaust-israel-lavrov-impunity/
    "The Soviet people were also subject to Nazi genocide, but Russia doesn’t have carte blanche in the global arena; he says Holocaust doesn’t give Israel impunity. They (Israel) should not think that the suffering of Jews in World War II gives it free reign in foreign policy, particularly when it comes to the hostilities in Gaza, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov has said. [RE: Top image from ICJ Hearings].
    Speaking at a press conference on the results of Moscow’s diplomacy in 2023 on Thursday, Lavrov reiterated his support for the creation of a Palestinian state. The decades-long failure to do this is one of the key reasons for the current instability in the Middle East and tensions."

  • https://www.rt.com/news/590892-israel-gaza-conflict-middle-east-war/
    Pls. Note: The HAMAS war actually started on -10/02/2024- and was a response to Israeli strikes on the Al-Aqsa Mosque, which Israel intends to destroy in order to re-build 'The Third Temple'. ...The "military wing of the Hamas organization, attacked Israel and announced the launch of ‘Operation Al-Aqsa Flood’".
    Klaus Schwab and the Bloodlines of the Illuminati, on Greg Reese

    My editorial, apropos the historical perspective: “We've always tried to keep love in the family", said a representative of the most powerful family of trillionaires. - So as not to disperse or dissipate their wealth, obviously. And it goes without saying, that awarding their family members political and corporate powers, is part of it. From genocidal dictators like Stalin, Mao, and Hitler, the first two, sons; while the third, a grandson, of this one extended leading family; all three men were illegitimate children. Any questions about Mr. Zelensky's background!?

    https://www.rt.com/news/583518-canada-celebrates-nazi-veteran/ Speaking of thespian fraudsters, last week, the Canadian government gave a standing ovation to 'Nazis young and old'- Zelensky, plus an old Canadian citizen, veteran Nazi Waffen SS collaborator in Ukraine, 1943. The Canadian government, these Klaus Schwabian brainwashed grifters, are the dumbest, most corrupt government Canada ever had. Trudeau gave Zelensky 9.5 billion of Canadian taxpayers money for the war effort! (https://www.canada.ca/en/department-national-defence/campaigns/canadian-military-support-to-ukraine.html) NATO's war against Russia is already lost, according to Seymour Hersh's sources on the ground. But NATO countries still keep their 'gravy train' going. See: Seymour Hersh: Russia Has Won The War... What comes Next? Emergency Transmission 09/24, 2023 - detailed economic analysis. Watch.

    Trudeau SHOT DOWN By Judge Over Persecuted Truckers! w/ Gordon Magill on Jimmy Dore show - Judge acquits the truckers, the Gov won't let it go and they appeal -compare with US Jan 6 supposed "insurgency".
    - David Frum's 32-yr old healthy daughter suddenly died... (NEW - March 2024)

    Antony C Sutton: Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler & Communism. See what's been taking place behind people's backs over the last hundred years: Who created and funded Fascism/Nazism/Communism? Answer: Wall Street and the City of London bankers! (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/City_of_London - a 1.12 sq mile only, like the Vatican, it's also a separate country.)

    Resurgence of Nazism/Inventors of Evil Things w/Alex Thomson, of ukcolumn.org

    WATCH: Elon, X, and the Epitome of a Front Man, on Greg Reese-
    Elon Musk couldn't code, didn't create PayPal (Founders, Peter Tiel, Max Levchin), or Tesla Motors, (Engineers, Marc Tarpenning & Martin Eberhard developed the Tesla Roadster), or Space X (Rocket engineer Tom Mueller). Musk knows nothing about any of these technologies! But his family affiliations and marketing skills make him an ideal front man for DARPA.

    AGENT ZELENSKY, BY SCOTT RITTER, PART 1 & 2 (on https://rumble.com)
    (Zelensky's handler: MI6 director: Richard Moore / Zelensky's Vatican' handler: Archbishop Paul Gallagher)
    Zelensky's marching orders: 1) outlaw/suppress the Russian language in Ukraine, 2) oust the Russian Christian Orthodox Church, 3) cancel opposition parties in Ukrainian legislation, 4) jail/oust domestic politicians/journalists non-complient with orders, 5) cancel free speech, 6) hunt down/eliminate foreign and domestic pro-Russian journalists, 7) make NAZI agenda/resurgency lawful & popular, 8) cancel free elections.

    Col. Douglas Macgregor: Biden bringing the US to war w/Judge Napolitano, Judging Freedom
    The "Military Congretional Complex", Judge Napolitano reveals that President Eisenhauer -in his last speech to the American people- had originally referred to the "Military Congretional Complex" rather than the "Military Industrial Complex. When asked why he changed the text, Eisenhauer said that he was still in office, and had to be careful. RE: "Military Congretional Complex" - The members of the US Congress have to sign allegiance to Israel if they hope to stay in office or get re-elected. Former congresswoman Cynthia McKinney disclosed this after she left the Congress- In office 01/3/2005 – 01/3/2007. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cynthia_McKinney. So, now you know who funds the US Congress. Is it Israel and/or the Military? Which lobby rules? Who is the proxy of the Empire? And who is the Empire?

  • https://www.rt.com/russia/583099-us-nato-absorb-nations/ The constant expansion of the North Atlantic Alliance basically provides the US with the opportunity to absorb states and deprive them of their independence in terms of defending their national interests. The never-ending expansion of NATO has enabled the US to turn many nations into its puppets, helping Washington to cling to its hegemony, Nikolay Patrushev, the secretary of Russia’s National Security Council, has said. The official also blasted the US-led military bloc for what he called “duplicity,” arguing that while NATO has always claimed to stand for peace, it has waged war or threatened military action against countries that oppose Washington’s policies.

  • Sweeping Plan for Global Censorship Exposed on Greg Reese

    Dane Wigington & Mike Adams issue URGENT WARNING for the survival of the human race new 01-10-2024
    See, https://www.geoengineeringwatch.org/

    Depopulation, Climate Change, and Weather Weapons on Greg Reese

    CCP Satellites Over Maui At Time of Fires

    NATO Plans False Flag in Black Sea to Launch WWIII on Greg Reese

    Manipulating The Weather And Calling It Climate Change - David Icke Dot-Connector Videocast -From Nikola Tesla to HAARP!

    Introducing ARCHAIX.COM and Jason Breshears, the channel's presenter & founder.
    This channel provides a thorough inquiry into simulation holography, suppressed and denied for centuries, but here to stay till 2106: "In 5239 BCE began the New Nemesis Simulation initiated to better understand how the collapse of our binary system could have been either avoided, or means of survival could be discovered." See: Space-true-or-false, and specifically: Nemesis X Object & Coming Vapor Canopy Apocalypse - BCE Chronological timeline.)

    Secret Teachings of Archaix: Keys to the Deep

    Palindromes Found Encoded in History, on Archaix.com with Jason Breshears

  • * * *



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